Rotto Channel Swim
It was a fine day ahead but early on with a medium swell for all of the EFS multisport athletes on the beach for the satrt of their 18km ocean swim. A sea full of white boats greeted the swimmers as the sun crept up and took the chill off the early morning air at Cottesloe beach.
Countless kms of pool & ocean swims had been put into place for the big swim out in the shipping channel
But !!! every boat looks alike !!
Whilst some were swimming for personal reasons -others were racing across as a duo and groups of training buddies were out there in their teams It was a a great sight to see the start as the swimmers headed out trying to find their paddler and then link up with their boat. The solos had a great crossing until the "dreaded" current change gave a few of them a challenge with 4kms to go. If the skipper varies too much then the current sweeps in and makes the last few Kms very tough . A big well done to the solos -- Chantelle ,Lisa & Letser. Plus good job from opposing duo's of Emma & Heather . Then there were the others out there in the teams taking turns at getting the island closer with every stroke .