Ironman WA 2012
This year it had it all. Kind weather, big field,a big group from 15 EFS Melville and 5 EFS Rockingham ensured endurance fitness spectators were kept busy all day cheering and supporting their mates along the course . Its a long day spectating as you ride the emotions and worry about the splits-- then give out that big motivator ---"looking good"
The swim saw plenty of EFS triathletes going under 1 hr for the 3.8km swim around the jetty. of the rest all went through their swim leg under 1 hr 30 which set up a nice bike ride for all.....On the 3 lap bike course the wind picked up a little in the 2nd and 3rd laps with out & back times fluctuating with the wind directions. A few hazards such as dropped canisters from the increasing triathlete litterbug syndrome (Numbers kissed the tarmac on hitting one) and some punctures made it a challenging course by bikes' end.
But that meant only the run to go as the temp moved past 30 degrees and the wind died down
Now it was determination, nutrition and survival out there . Fantastic to see athletes achieve their goals in Ironman with some going sub 10 right out to those with glow sticks getting a rock star welcome later in the evening in the noise & lights of the finish chute ...good job!
To all the extra support crew that got them across the line --thanks to Mark,Simone,Al, Rick, "partners & .family --well done